
LPSF - Redbird Image

Loudonville-Perrysville School Foundation

The Foundation exists to support and enhance the educational opportunities for students of the Loudonville-Perrysville Schools. Grants of more than $200,000 have been awarded to the L-P Schools!

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Tax Deductible

The Loudonville-Perrysville School Foundation (LPSF) was incorporated on January 7, 2008, and we are classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable 501(c)(3) organization. Because of this classification, donations made to LPSF are tax deductible.

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2022 - Game Show Night
2022 - Game Show Night
Annual Senior Project

Starting in the year 2000, we have worked with the Loudonville High School seniors on a variety of "Senior Projects."  These events have been diverse, but always strive to "do good things" in the community, and to raise money for the benefit of the Loudonville-Perrysville Schools.

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We send out routine email notifications to keep our supporters and stakeholders informed. If you would like to stay up to date with all of our activities, be sure to sign up for email updates.

Robotics team
Along with three LPSF Trustees, members of the LHS Robotics teams proudly show off their machines. The Foundation assisted with a 2018 grant that helped the team compete in many tournaments, including the World Championship in Louisville, Kentucky.
eBooks and eReaders
The 2014 LPSF grant purchased eReaders and eBooks for the school library. Two students are using these devices as Librarian Julie Seboe looks on.
Students with whiteboards
In this picture from our 2010 newsletter, four C.E. Budd students demonstrate the use of whiteboards. Grants from the Foundation helped to purchase whiteboard equipment in the years 2007, 2008, and 2010.
Students holding Madagascar cockroaches
One of the Foundation's first Teacher Mini-Grants brought the Columbus Zoo for a program at McMullen Elementary School in 2018. In this picture two McMullen students are holding Madagascar cockroaches.
Bracelet from 3D printer
The 2013 LPSF grant purchased two 3D printers. Ben Burge, L-P School Computer Technician, shows off a red bracelet he "printed" for L-P School Treasurer Marie Beddow during a presentation he made for the Loudonville Rotary Club.
Supporting our Schools & Students

Since the year 2001, the L-P Schools have received grants of $246,429. These grants are the result of many generous gifts from 1,753 donors, as well as 25 "Senior Projects" organized by the graduating classes and assisted by the L-P School Foundation.


Thank you for visiting our website.  We hope you'll consider a donation to help us continue this work.

Thank You to All of Our Supporters!

These five links display our supporters by category.

We recognize the following supporters, whose cumulative gifts and grants continue to benefit the L-P Schools.

$100,000 and Over

The Ramser Family

$50,000 to $99,999

James and Andrea Arnholt
Ashland County Community Foundation

$25,000 to $49,999

Larry and Karyle Mumper
Mary Lee Myers
Mark and Denise Ramser
John and Jennifer Van Camp
Hugo and Mabel Young Foundation

$10,000 to $24,999

Anonymous (1)
Mike and Guinn Bandy
Robert and Esther Black Family Foundation Fund
Charles A. Browning
Edward Budd
Fraternal Order of Eagles #2275
Joie and John Gregor
Gary and Lisa Kauffman
KLA Foundation
Chuck and Becky McClure
Mohican Adventures
Dennis and Deaunna Morgan
Diane and Gail Mutchler
Park National Bank
Prudential Foundation
Roger and Connie Stitzlein
Walmart Foundation

$5,000 to $9,999

Anonymous (2)
Anonymous (1)*
Ann and Larry Brown
The Energy Cooperative
Will and Susie Hoyt
LHS Class of 1984
Jim* and Phyllis McClure
Mohican Area Community Fund
Brent and Deanna Peoples
Mary Ramser*
Dawn Stitzlein
Jean Thoensen
These are total gifts since the Foundation's 2008 incorporation.
Donors known to be deceased are marked with an asterisk (*).