We greatly appreciate the financial backing from alumni, staff, students, parents, businesses, and the community. Your gifts help the Foundation increase its support for the L-P Schools and students every year.

Check out the photo gallery of "Global Redbirds." We are grateful for the support from foreign exchange students, alumni, and other friends while living, working, or vacationing abroad.

Our school district needs you! Grants from the Loudonville-Perrysville School Foundation (LPSF) enrich the educational experiences of our students.
LPSF thanks its 1,753 supporters!
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Starting in the year 2000, we have worked with the Loudonville High School seniors on a variety of "Senior Projects." These events have been diverse, but always strive to "do good things" in the community, and to raise money for the benefit of the Loudonville-Perrysville Schools.
The annual "Senior Projects" began in the year 2000 and are led each year by the graduating seniors. These events, coupled with the support from our many donors, have provided the L-P Schools with over $245,000 in grants that have enhanced the educational experiences of students throughout the district.