Memorial Donor List



The Foundation has received $49,587.30

from 180 donors to memorialize a total of 107 individuals.


Memorial Gifts are a special way to keep your loved one's memory and legacy alive.

Lori Allenbaugh

LPSF Trustees

Lt. Garry Lee Alting, LHS Class of 1991

Anonymous (2)
Rebecca Cheney
Jackie Conry
Joe and Mary Dietz
Mary Dreibelbis
Andrew Forsthoefel
Tom and Geri Gierhart
Dennis Kanzig
Irma Lance
James and Shirley Lehman
The Lima Family
Kip and Beth Matteson
Michael and Shirley Moffett
James and Karen Rader
Rebecca Roesch
Bill and Shawna Scarberry
Karin Schwan
Nic and Lisa Schwan
Chris and Michelle Schwan (and daughters)
Tim and Wendy Shreffler
Brenda Spier
Reed and Jody Strong
Gary and Mary Sutorius
Robert and Debra Valentine
Paula Watson
Doug and Shirley Young

Nannette (Krocker) Anderson

Jay and Ann Bitner
Marcy Bolek

Robert Arnholt

Maureen Goodwin
Janice Wolf*

Jack Augustine

Larry Arnholt

Harriett Bandy

Mike and Guinn Bandy

Peter Bandy

Mike and Guinn Bandy

LaDonna (Mott) Krichbaum Barr

Class of 1956

Chuck Beachler

Brittany McMullen

Pam Beachler

Carrie (Mitsch) Chiarella
Brittany McMullen

Richard Beechy

Betty Beechy*

Nelson and Frances Beem

Mike and Guinn Bandy

Charles "Chuck" Beverage, LHS 1947

Reta Beverage Kirsh

Allison Bucher

Catherine and Joe Evans

Superintendent C. E. Budd

Edward Budd

Kathy Burgess

Bruce Koppert
Russel and Tami Reynolds

Alex Butts

Class of 2000

Jo Cates

Class of 1973

Colin Clark

Sherry Albertson-Clark

Colin Clark

Sherry Albertson-Clark and Kenneth Clark

Class of 1945 Members

Phyllis McClure

Jeff Cooper

Patty and Stan Miller

Grant Cowell

Ashley Gray

Beatrice Curry

Jan Heter

Cindy (Hoover) Dennis

Class of 1972

Donald Derr

Class of 1972

Robert and Anna Donelson

Don and Emily Iles

Jim Dudte

Mike and Guinn Bandy
Jay and Ann Bitner
M. Jeane and Jim* Gribble
Jim and Vivian Hollinger
Hugo and Mabel Young Foundation
Kari and Andy Reidenbach
Dwain and Roberta Stitzlein

Stephanie Frank List Vesper

Steve and Nancy Frank

Ken Furr

Class of 1972

Richard Gindlesberger

Jay and Ann Bitner
Ruth Brandt and Family
Paul and Sue Cadamagnani
Gayle Christopher
Steve and Charlotte Glasgo
James and Nancy Harris
Scott and Amy Love
Cindy Russell and Family
Sam and Vicky Stephenson

Kenneth and Donna Glasgo

Lissa Glasgo
Steve and Charlotte Glasgo

Phil Glasgo

David Brightbill
Dana Glasgo
Lissa Glasgo
Steve and Charlotte Glasgo

Frank Goulde

Steve and Charlotte Glasgo
Mary Ramser*

Ann Gradisher

Jay Gradisher

Julie Grassman

Class of 1956

Alice Allerding Griffin

Candy Foster

Jim Groseclose

Class of 1972

Thomas and Sharon Gruver

Joseph and Patricia Fisher

The Gruver Family

Joseph and Patricia Fisher

Sharon Gruver-Fauss

Joseph and Patricia Fisher

George and Audrey Hannan

Patty and Stan Miller

Cal Hans

Linda Hans
Kevin Hans
Chuck and Becky McClure

Tom Hardy

Don and Sue Shafer

Candace Harp

Michael and Marcia Bitner

Roger Heimberger

David Brightbill

Martha Henley

Brittany McMullen

Richard and Annabelle Hollinger

Jim and Vivian Hollinger
Chuck and Becky McClure

Janet Hon

Richard Hon

Lloyd and Betty James

Sandy Kaplan

Jon Jarvis

Holli Gentle

Margaret (Zimmerman) Jones

Class of 1956

Scott Kirkpatrick

Candy Foster
Russ and Lynn Smith

Sue Guinther Kochner

Marty Virchow

Rob Koppert

Scott and Brenda Allison
Mike and Guinn Bandy
Jay and Ann Bitner
Mindy Derr
Steve and Charlotte Glasgo
Jim and Vivian Hollinger
Jean Koerner
Kirsten and Aaron Meherg
Mary Ramser*
Russ and Lynn Smith
Michelle Workman

Jon Krech

Class of 2000

David Kriss

Tim and Anne Cowen

Joel Krocker

Anonymous (1)
Bill and Liz Anderson
Matt and Kara Armstrong
Mike and Guinn Bandy
Jay and Ann Bitner
Marcy Bolek
Butler Elementary Parents Club
Leslie and Rita Craft
Judy Davis
Vince and Michele Delvecchio
Kurt Hawley Insurance Agency
Tom and Marla Hoover
Ron and Elaine Kiefer
Al and Jennie Ko
Robert J LeHew and Associates, Inc.
Gary and Reva Lewis
Amy Leyda
Dave and Mary Ann Lifer
Cheryl Krocker McKeon
Debbie Parker
Tony and Karla Robinson
Doug and Patty Shannon
Ronald and Karen Spreng
John and Jane Stoops
Charlie and Joannie Streby
Tom and Cheryl Thompson
Stan* and Barb Young

Kenny Krupp

Jim and Vivian Hollinger
Bruce Koppert
Chuck and Becky McClure

John Lance

John and Penny Miller
The Ring Family

Charlotte Lavinder

Bob and Jan Archer
Mike and Guinn Bandy
Sam and Vicky Stephenson
Janet Young

John Leininger Jr

Eleanor Leininger

Brenda Long

Virginia and Tom Darrah

Rex and Frances Long

Phyllis McClure
Chuck and Becky McClure
Russell and Nancy Smith

Roger Lowe

Anonymous (1)
Janet Abee
Doug* and Lisa* Briggs
Ken Fowler
Loudonville Farmers Equity
Mary Lee Lowe
Ericka Lowe
Pat Pearl
Mike and Sue Smith
Brenda Spier
VFW Post 8586 Auxiliary

Gage Lycans

Morgan and Mitchell Miles

Mike McCaskey

Class of 1956

Floyd and Martha McClure

Chuck and Becky McClure
Russell and Nancy Smith

James E. McClure, LHS 1945

Jim and Vivian Hollinger
Chuck and Becky McClure
Phyllis McClure
Russ and Lynn Smith

Monty McCurdy

Class of 1972

Dennis L. Miller

Russ and Lynn Smith

Richard Miller

Class of 1956

Frank Mitsch (and to honor other dedicated school bus drivers)

Carrie (Mitsch) Chiarella

Charles Mutchler

Anonymous (1)
Scott and Audrey Mathews
Shirley Koch Watters

Robert Mutchler

Class of 1956

Ken Myers

Mary Lee Myers

Dr. Tina (Drouhard) Nelson

Anonymous (2)
Steve and Peg Allerding
Becky Augustine
Dennis and Elsa Boen
David and Jeanne Browning
Class of 1987
Rodney and Rhonda Enlund
Eric Koppert
Metagenics, Inc.
Patrick Michel
Frederick and Linda Michel
Curt and Jenny Schneider
Mike and Jo Shrimplin
Jody and Reed Strong
Veterinary Associates, Inc.
Katherine Wolfe
Wooster Community Hospital Medical Staff
Daniel and Jeanne Yoakam

O. Jeannette and Don Nickles

Margie Nickles

Bill Nyhart

Class of 1972

Peggy Pace

Class of 1972

Jennifer T. B. Patton

Mike and Guinn Bandy

Megan Payne

Amanda Payne

Mina Powell

Mary Jean Roach

Tim Ray

John and Penny Miller

Marjorie Robinson

Larry Arnholt
Carrie Chiarella
Steve and Charlotte Glasgo
Catherine Hale and Richard Pillsbury
Jim and Vivian Hollinger
John Leland
Kris (Priscilla) Wells

Robert (“Bobby”) Roetzel

Class of 2005

Barbara Ann (Herlocker) Sage

Edward (Skip) Sage

Tim Sage

Carrie (Mitsch) Chiarella

Ron Schuck

Russ and Lynn Smith

Lacy Sprang

Class of 2000

Chuck and Linda Spreng

Russel and Tami Reynolds
Richard L Slaven

Jim L. Spreng

Russ and Lynn Smith
Beckett Spreng

Mark Stephenson

Class of 1972
Russ and Tami Reynolds

John Strine

Class of 1973
Thomas Winters

Debbie (Bostic) Thomas

Class of 1973

Kevin Weber

Class of 1973

Curt Weimer

Russ and Lynn Smith

Carol Wheaton

Virginia Darrah

Betsey Sellner Whitman

Mary Jean Roach

William Wood, Ph.D.

Carolyn Rosen

Mary Jane (Cole) Woodruff

Russ and Lynn Smith

Tom Workman

Class of 1956

Jim Wright

David Brightbill

Gary E. Young

Dr. Robert Berry
Bob and Joyce Blanchard
Robert and Sue Brightbill
Rodney and Anita Byler
Peggy Claes
Jerry and Judy Dudte
Lisa and Jeff Grimm
Don Holt and Roxanne Baumgartner
Lori and Rob Kaiser
LPSF Trustees
Karen McCready
Duane and Sandra Obrecht
Ohio Mutual Insurance Group
Betty Jo Patterson
Bill and Cathy Wahoff

Stan Young

Pamela K. Allegretti
Ruth Ann Durnwald
Carl and Lucretia Portz
Nate and Angie Sponsler and Family
Wayne* and Debra Young and Family

Larry Ziegler

Class of 1956

Linda Zody

Class of 1972
Donors known to be deceased are marked with an asterisk (*).