The LHS Class of 2021 organized the first virtual Senior Project, an event called the Cutest Pet Contest. The contest was open to anyone wanting to submit a photograph of their pet, and a total of 49 entries were received. A committee of teachers then selected the top nine pets for voting. Each vote cost $1.00 and also earned one entry into a raffle for prizes donated by local merchants.
After counting the votes, the winner was Miso, a black lab owned by Mandee Glasgo, LHS 2009. The event raised $1,101 to benefit the L-P School Foundation. Since the year 2001, the L-P Schools have received grants of $129,133 as a result of these Senior Projects, along with the generous gifts from 1,374 supporters of the Foundation.
The raffle prize winners were Tamara Donaldson, Wes Donaldson, and Mandee Glasgo. Prizes were donated by The Alabaster Mouse, Buzzard’s Family Shoes, Creative Outlet, East of Chicago Pizza, Indigo Owl, The Ohio Theatre, and Taco Bell.
The Foundation thanks the Class of 2021 for their creativity in organizing this event – the first virtual Senior Project. Check back next year to see what the Class of 2022 chooses for its Senior Project.
In this video, class officers Sydney Snyder and Grace Vermilya thank everyone who participated.